You don’t have to have it all figured out, you just have to be willing to try and keep showing up.  The best way to describe my coaching style is through the perspective of my clients. Check out unedited client testimonials below.

You are already on your way to living your life on purpose, daring greatly, and being the hero of your own story. I call people with these desires Goal Getters and these are the type of people I love to work with. 

If you are here it means you're curious.

Let's Dance 

I am a goal-getter. I have large and small goals for my life, family, and career and I go after them. I’ve run large teams in Fortune 500 companies, competed in fitness competitions, taught internationally, spoke at national conferences, bought the houses, traveled the globe, etc… However, to my surprise some of my greatest strengths in achievement became my biggest weaknesses in fulfillment. There was always another goal to achieve, project to deliver, thing to buy, rule to follow, person to please or pound to drop. It was exhausting, felt shameful internally, and sometimes embarrassing externally. Until I started understanding my internal motivations, patterns, and mindset all my effort never felt like enough to get the outcome I wanted.

you do not have to do it alone

A more fulfilled life is possible

Through coaching, all the pieces start to come together. You'll start to notice internal shifts that may feel as small as a weight off your shoulders to big shifts that feel like personal breakthroughs.

Executive at Fortune Top 5 Corporation

Learning and Organizational Change Management Consultant

International Management Consultant

Senior Healthcare System Implementation Manager NYC

1. How were these coaching sessions useful to you?  
The coaching helped me to identify and prioritize my approach to what I needed to accomplish. By narrowing down my ultimate goal to a manageable amount of tasks and then prioritizing them helped me from becoming overwhelmed. This approach made my tasks doable.

2. What could have made them more useful? 
I actually feel my expectations were met. I didn't feel like I needed to do anything else with the time allotted for the session. My environment was comfortable, and it helped in my openness and honest responses.

3. Is coaching a service you ever considered?
Yes. I have so many competing tasks that I end up getting overwhelmed and not doing any of them. Having a Coach provides that non-judgmental objective view where they provide the tools to drive to decisions or goals. Then they help break down that goal into steps to take to get you to that goal. It also makes you accountable.

4. Is this a service you would consider in the future?
Yes, I almost think I should have access to a Coach all the time as your goals change throughout life and it is helpful to have access to tools and exercises to help adjust and continue to accomplish.

5. How would you describe Ema’s coaching style to a stranger? I
 would say her style is relaxed, comfortable, however, direct and meaningful. Your nature is calm so you are able to get people to relax and trust that you are there to help them get to that next level whatever it may be.

Executive at Fortune Top 5 Corporation

Learning and Organizational Change Management Consultant

International Management Consultant

Senior Healthcare System Implementation Manager NYC

1. How were these coaching sessions useful to you?
Provided the space needed to see myself outside of myself by hearing your perspective on what I was sharing with you. Most importantly, it offered reasonable and actionable tasks that I could do immediately. The key was "small bites" instead of trying to save the world and turning what I thought was my weakness (leaning on others for accountability; not motivated if my goal was just for me) and using it to propel me forward to reach the first "small bite" goal.

2. What could have made them more useful?

I think for me writing things down would have been more useful. I'm a very visual person, so making journaling or some other writing task as part of my "small bites" goals would've helped me along. Also, for reference, to go back and read my entries could be used as motivation to reflect and keep going.

3. How would you describe my coaching style to a stranger?
Ema's coaching style can be captured in one word: FLOW. She creates a space that is safe to unravel your thoughts. She is deliberate with the time, words, and thoughts that are shared between you and her, but she is not hurried. She builds in space to reflect, think, and express. Ema is attentive and focused on you and nothing else. She is very skilled at listening and bringing value to what you share with her while guiding you to revelations that are critical for you to take action. All of this is possible by the FLOW that she embodies and creates throughout the session.

Executive at Fortune Top 5 Corporation

Learning and Organizational Change Management Consultant

International Management Consultant

Senior Healthcare System Implementation Manager NYC

1. How were these coaching sessions useful to you?
Yes, the biggest thing was they made me realize how often I frame my life in negative terms; ie: my relationship ended and I'm struggling - what's wrong with me - vs. I care deeply about people and am invested in them, which is a positive. Or; I've lost a lot over the last year and am having trouble functioning; that means you cared a lot and are understandably in pain

2. Is coaching a service you ever considered? (why or why not?)
I had but in more of a professional context - like a career coach or job coach rather than a life coach. Considering everything I've been through recently though, I'm re-thinking that position.

3. How would you describe my coaching style to a stranger?
Strong listener, very collaborative, likes to gently push people out of their comfort zone and challenge thinking and assumptions for the better. Has a professional attitude but is very personable.

Executive at Fortune Top 5 Corporation

Learning and Organizational Change Management Consultant

International Management Consultant

Senior Healthcare System Implementation Manager NYC

1. How was this coaching session useful for you?
First, I felt like it was a very impartial, nonjudgmental conversation, which allowed me to be honest and open with myself and my coach to really analyze my core challenges. I think that coaching sessions are the least successful when the shame/embarrassment of something that I'm going through gets in the way of talking through them effectively, so I really appreciate the tone that Coach E set upfront and the environment she created to allow me to get the most out of our discussion. Secondly, I liked that we tried techniques that were new/different for me to help me understand my thought process. I think that individually I tend to get wrapped into old patterns/ways of thinking and I spiral on an issue without a line of sight towards resolving it, so breaking out of that cycle was very helpful to getting me to a new place. Finally, I came away with a tactical plan to reinforce what we worked on so I can actually build momentum going forward.

2. Is coaching a service you ever considered? (why or why not?)
I've considered it because I actively seek mentorship/guidance in many parts of my life and I'm the first to admit that I'm definitely a work in progress. I haven't pursued it more actively in the past because I wasn't clear on what exactly my takeaways would/should be and what was in it for me.

3. Is this a service you would consider in the future? 
Absolutely. It was more than worth my investment of time and energy!

in facts and questions style

Client Testimonials

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